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Red Steel - Nintendo Wii

Red Steel is very stylish, but due to its often glitchy controls, it's nothing more than a mediocre game.
Professional assessment: 6.5 - read the review!


Red Steel
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Afbeelding voor  Red Steel

Game trailer



Platform:Nintendo Wii
For:Wii (mini) & Wii U
Region:European (PAL)
Genre:Fighting, Shooter
Age:16+ years

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Images for Red Steel


In the entire game, you never see yourself. You only know that your name is Scott Monroe...
In the entire game, you never see yourself. You only know that your name is Scott Monroe...
Fight with more than 10 weapons
Fight with more than 10 weapons
Learn sword fighting with your Wii Remote
Learn sword fighting with your Wii Remote
Blast your way through the Japanese cities
Blast your way through the Japanese cities
Afbeelding voor Red Steel


Reviews for   Red Steel

Reviews Red Steel

11 reviews - average rating 6,6

16 jaar
Sword fights lack realism and tactics
Red Steel was one of the early releases for the Wii and not a bad game. One downside was the lack of realism in the sword fights; you could easily win by just flailing around without much strategy involved. Additionally, the game was filled with noticeable glitches. The sword fights would also suddenly interrupt gunfights, which was a bit odd. For one of the first shooters, it wasn't bad, but it had the potential for much more. Perhaps Red Steel 2 with Wii Motion Plus support will delve deeper, as this game could be really enjoyable if the sword fights are better developed.

20 jaar
Impressive Wii game, but now dated
When Red Steel was first released, it was definitely one of the more impressive Wii games. The sword fighting and aiming with your other weapons worked quite well for that time and showed what the Wii was capable of. I certainly enjoyed the game back then.
Looking at it now, the gameplay feels quite dated and the sword fighting doesn't work as well anymore. Hopefully, Red Steel 2 will change this with MotionPlus!

11 jaar
Fun and Annoying Game
It's a fun game to play. Sometimes the game is difficult and sometimes very easy.
The most annoying thing about it is when you finish sword fighting and you don't intentionally move the remote, then you kill him right away, which is really ANNOYING.
The fun part is that you can shoot everyone to bits, and I love that! In Red Steel
Read more reviews.

13 jaar
Disappointing Sword Fights and Limited Gameplay
Red Steel was initially fun, especially since it was one of the first Wii shooters. However, you soon realize that it's not all that great. For example, the sword fights are poorly executed; sometimes it's more effective to wildly swing than to perform precise movements.
So, this game is not a top recommendation. If you're looking for a shooter, it's better to wait for The Conduit. And for a sword fighting/shooter experience, wait for Red Steel 2, which integrates Wii Motion Plus.

14 jaar
Fun sword fighting, but boring and unrealistic
I find it to be a mediocre game. It's not really realistic and can be boring at times. The sword fighting is enjoyable, but you're better off just swinging wildly... Aiming is decent though. The multiplayer is just PLAIN STUPID. If you zoom in with a sniper, they die in 1 shot and zoom out in 2 shots? (???)
Well, you're better off buying Red Steel or something :)

15 jaar
Too many bugs and glitches ruin the experience
Red Steel, THE game I absolutely had to have back in the day. Unfortunately, Ubisoft rushed its release without properly fixing the beta first. There are still a TON of bugs and glitches in the game that really spoil it, the worst part? Sword Duels: you spend about five hours on a certain move, finally completing 4 out of 5, make one mistake, and guess what, you have to start all over again... very frustrating.
But if you overlook this, it's a decent game, albeit a bit simple and all, but if you just want to have some fun bashing around, it's quite enjoyable, even though it's a bit odd since you can complete the whole game with the regular 'pistols' (I snipe everyone with those, which is quite fun).
If the sword duels were better, it could easily be an eight, but due to its buggy/glitchy nature, it's a 6.5.

19 jaar
Mediocre, but becoming less so...
As a launch game for the Wii, Red Steel was a mediocre game: the storyline was shallow and the gameplay was simple, but that was all acceptable. After all, it was a launch game, so the main focus was to showcase the features of the Wii: the use of the Wii remote to see your own movements reflected in the game.

This worked fine, but over the years it has become less "new": there are now more games that register movements of the Wii remote in more original and better ways. Furthermore, its use is very limited: you only shoot and strike, and this (especially for the Wii) does not work quite as desired, it's jerky and responds just a bit too slowly. Normally, this wouldn't necessarily spell disaster for a game, but in this case, it does: when all your hopes are pinned on innovative controls and those hopes are not fulfilled, the game collapses like a house of cards.

Are there absolutely no positive points to mention about this game? Fortunately, that's not the case: the graphics are decent and despite the challenging controls, the game remains engaging for a long time. Overall, not a top game but forged at the right moment: when it was still hot (and therefore Red). However, as the years go by, better games emerge, making Red Steel unfortunately seem worse and worse...

12 jaar
Red Steel is a beautifully crafted game, with an interesting story and original concept, but unfortunately, the illogical controls ruin everything. You have to move your camera very carefully, or else you'll immediately strike with your sword, causing you to often miss your target and ruining the fun.
Not my cup of tea.

12 jaar
It was decent for its time.
Red Steel was one of the first games I bought for the Wii. It was decent for its time, but when you compare it now to Call of Duty, it falls short. Another peculiar aspect is the random sword fights that occur at odd moments, which, to be honest, are nothing more than a bit of hitting.

11 jaar

Red Steel is a really fun game. The goal is to kill people, but it's not always necessary: for example, when you fight against a sort of Samurai, you have to defeat him and then he gives you his sword. But people with guns don't have to die either because some beg for their lives and then you can let them walk away.

18 jaar
Challenging Samurai Sword Fighting in Red Steel
Fun game, especially the Samurai Sword Fighting is difficult. Sometimes it can be quite scary too (won't say more;))
Great story and loads of fun to play.
Less reviews.

Product Description

Hello there, gaming buddies! Mr. M here to tell you all about a real gem for the Nintendo Wii: Red Steel! Wowie! This game, developed by Ubisoft, immerses you in a world full of action and adventure. You play as Scott Monroe, an American man trying to rescue his fiancée from the clutches of the Japanese Yakuza. Fantastic, isn't it?

Red Steel is a first-person shooter where you not only shoot but also wield swords! The Wii Remote is used to control your weapons, providing a unique and immersive experience. The gameplay is intense and requires quick reflexes as you battle numerous enemies and challenging bosses. And that makes me super happy!

Historical Context

Red Steel was released in 2006 and was one of the first games developed specifically for the Nintendo Wii. When the game launched, everyone was super excited about the innovative controls with the Wii Remote. Although the game received mixed reviews, it was praised for its unique gameplay mechanics and use of the Wii capabilities. It was one of the titles that showcased what the Wii was capable of. Fantastic!

Expert Reviews

According to IGN: "Red Steel is an ambitious title with some innovative ideas but is hindered by technical issues." GameSpot said: "The unique controls with the Wii Remote are a refreshing experience, but the game has some rough edges." So, it's a game with both highs and lows, but definitely worth it for fans of action-adventures!

Is It For You?

Red Steel is perfect for gamers who enjoy intense action and adventures. The game is particularly appealing to those who want to experience unique controls with the Wii Remote. If you're a fan of first-person shooters and sword fights, then this game is definitely for you! And let's be honest, who doesn't love a good sword fight? Haha!

Similar Releases

Red Steel also has a sequel, Red Steel 2, which was released in 2010. This game improved many elements from the first part and introduced a new graphical style and setting. If you enjoyed Red Steel, then you'll definitely find Red Steel 2 Fantastic!

Similar Games

If you love Red Steel, there are a few other games you might also enjoy. Consider The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, where you also wield swords using the Wii Remote. Another recommendation is Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, a first-person shooter that also utilizes the unique Wii controls.

Tips and Tricks

Want to make the most out of your Red Steel experience? Here are a few tips from Mr. M.! Take the time to master the controls. It might take some getting used to, but it's worth it! Use your environment in battles; many objects can serve as cover. And don't forget to use your sword at the right moment, as sometimes a well-placed sword strike is more effective than a bullet. Fantastic, right?

Well, that's it! I hope you're as excited about Red Steel as I am. Until next time, gaming buddies!
Red Steel
kopje Geheimen en cheats voor Red Steel

Tips and secrets, cheats and codes

7 tips: 4 Easter Eggs and Glitches - 2 Secrets - 1 Personal tip

How can I easily take out enemies with focus in Red Steel?
Once you've mastered focus, start using it in Red Steel. When you're in combat, activate focus as soon as you can and shoot the guns out of your opponents' hands (aim for the white box). Then, shake the Wii Remote up and down to disarm them. This will take them out and earn you about 50 respect per enemy.

If there's a leader in the room (an enemy with a circle above their head), disarm them immediately to disarm all other enemies in the room, you'll then receive a hefty respect bonus!

Easter Eggs and Glitches:
Can the game freeze if you keep shooting with an Uzi without saving?
If you keep shooting aimlessly with an Uzi for a while, the game will freeze. Don't do this if you haven't saved yet in Red Steel!

Easter Eggs and Glitches:
Where are the photos of the programmers with blonde wigs in the Geisha's mission located in the nightstand with the dark door?
Check out the mission where you have to search for the Geishas in the nightstand with the dark door in Red Steel. Inside, you'll find photos of the game developers, wearing blonde wigs.
Read more tips and secrets.

Easter Eggs and Glitches:
What happens if you die with a grenade in your hand in the multiplayer mode of Red Steel on the Wii?
I encountered this glitch in the multiplayer mode of Red Steel; if you die while holding a grenade, when you respawn, your hand will still be in that position. It looks like you're holding an invisible grenade.

Why is it important not to kill your opponent after a duel?
Never kill an opponent after a duel in Red Steel. If you let them live, you will earn a lot of respect, and they will often reveal secrets to you!

Personal tip:
How can I solve issues with some of the tougher battles?
Jelle V
17 jaar
It's quite annoying, really, when you've been intensely swinging and defending against one annoying swordsman for hours on end...
The best solution is as follows: Close your eyes, grab the Wii Remote, and swing it as hard as you can back and forth! Defending and dodging isn't even the best tactic in most fights...

Easter Eggs and Glitches:
Why is the gatekeeper ignoring players who have already mastered all the moves from Mariko in the sword Dojo?
Jelle V
In the sword Dojo of Red Steel, where you can learn new moves from Mariko (that Japanese chick with pigtails), there is a small glitch towards the end of the game. Later in the game, she will be replaced by the gatekeeper, who will teach you the final moves.

Once you have already learned all the moves from Mariko, and you try to talk to the gatekeeper later, but he has no more moves for you, he will simply ignore you. A bit awkward, isn't it?
Less tips and secrets.
Afbeelding voor Red Steel


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